Happy St. Patrick's Day 2025 ~ Irish History and America

Wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day Today is a good day to review Irish history. Its history has often been painful. The Irish Famine A potato blight struck across Europe, arriving in Ireland in 1845. The culprit was a pathogen “P. infestans” which infects the plant through its leaves, leaving behind shriveled, inedible tubers. A dreadful famine soon fell upon the green island of Ireland. The Irish were dependent on tubers for survival. Ireland was mired in extreme poverty as a result of centuries of British rule and oppression. Packed with nutrition and easy to grow, potatoes were the only practical crop that could flourish on the minuscule plots doled out by wealthy British Protestant landowners. So the larger issue, often overlooked, was the direct political situation in Ireland, the cause of its economic and social impacts. The Irish ate potatoes for dinner. They ate them for lunch. They even ate them for breakfast. The average adult ...