Eyewitness Account~ Anti Jewish Pogroms in Russia

Pogroms began after Imperial Russia, which previously had very few Jews, acquired territories with large Jewish populations from the Polish, Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the Ottoman Empire from 1772 to 1815. Assassination of Tsar Alexander II Victim of Pogrom, 1906 The event which triggered the pogroms was the assassination of Tsar Alexander II for which s ome bla med "agents of foreign influence", implying that the Jews committed it. One of the conspirators was of Jewish origins, and the importance of her role in the assassination was greatly exaggerated. The Pale of Settlement: Originally formed in 1791 by Russia's Catherine II, the Pale of Settlement was a region designated for Jews. Very few Jews were allowed to live elsewhere. The area mostly falls within today's Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, and Moldova. Crowded into this small area of Russia, the Jews struggled to find jobs and pay rising rent prices. The word pogrom literally means ...